“Dune,” February 15, 2022 (2021), DVD. I admit with embarrassment I never read the book this is based on. I just didn’t care. A very big opening segment of the trilogy that is sure to follow, this Dune did little to make me wish I’d read the book. I know people liked it a lot, but it did little for me, with its intergalactic empire, and resource theft. It’s not that the story of Paul Atreides’ (Timoth’ Chalamet) and that of his ‘house’s’ are poorly presented. A small role for Charlotte Rampling was especially welcome. But I really just don’t care, and the intergalactic imperialism, environmental disasters, race – sort of –betrayal, etc., left me non plussed with all the messes we’re facing here. Really, “the Mahdi,” really? Talk about Orientalism. Perhaps I’m just overloaded with too much anxiety about our lived world and can’t immerse in that one no matter how much action and cosmic nonsense occur. I’m sure I’ll watch later episodes, but this one didn’t win me over. I am, I know, very definitely in the minority.